

  • Name: Xha'zi Viqqoh

  • Age: 21

  • Race: Keeper of the Moon

  • Title(s): The Healer

  • Pronouns: He/him

  • Sexuality: Pansexual and Terrified

  • Profession: Adventurer. Archaeologist. Ancient Aether Expert

  • Socioeconomic Class Very wealthy


  • Biological Gender: Male

  • Height: 5'11" | 180cm

  • Weight: 188 lbs

  • Build: Well muscled, thin

  • Bearing: Vacillates wildly between shrinking shoulders, trying to disappear, and upright, confident and alert.

  • Voice: Soft-spoken, gentle, low

  • Distinct Physical Attributes: Albino, hetero-chromatic eyes, straight up illuminates in direct moonlight, long hair - falls to his knees and has never been cut

General Details

  • Languages: Polyglot

  • Birthplace: The Black Shroud

  • Current Residence(s): Homes in Shirogane, La Noscea and the Black Shroud. Constant traveller.

  • Religion: Devout follower of Menphina the Lover


  • Can occasionally be very uncomfortable being touched or showing bare skin

  • Rubs the ends of his tail when he’s nervous or thinking

  • Can have difficulty meeting or maintaining eye contact

  • Averse to bright lighting

  • Hates the cold and will go to great lengths to protect himself from it

  • Eats very infrequently

  • Has a genuinely absurd amount of beast companions in lieu of actual friends

  • Wears a moonlet earring in his left ear at all times


Xha’zi’s personality is often as ephemeral and ever-shifting as his physical presence can be.Some would call him reserved. Others might describe him as absent-minded and socially distant to the point of being rude. Others still might call him skittish, shy as a newborn animal and easily distressed or panicked.All of these would be accurate descriptors for him.Even so, those few that described him as brilliant, enthusiastic, eager, kind and curious would be just as accurate. Terrifying, focused, vengeful, protective, sweet, shy, generous and exacting; like all people, there is no one side of Xha’zi. What one experiences with him, what they see of who he is, is a unique experience for them, formed by the circumstances of their meeting and parting.


  • Tranquillity

  • Destructive magic

  • Small gatherings

  • Particularly terrible wounds

  • Probably helping people with particularly terrible wounds

  • Gaining new knowledge

  • Studying people like they're objects

  • Ancient ruins

  • Prodding things that have the ability to ruin the world

  • Beaches at night

  • Incredibly stupid heights

  • Singing

  • Jumping off of incredibly stupid heights

  • Cooking

  • Pulling other people with him when he jumps off of incredibly stupid heights

  • Tea


  • Being noticed

  • Large crowds

  • Alcohol

  • Having his tail touched

  • Eating

  • Having his back to others

  • Bright lights

  • Cold weather

  • Disrespecting the elementals

  • Jellyfish

  • Unnecessary violence

  • Greed

  • Anyone bringing up the colour of his skin

  • Sweet cakes or creams



Born to Xha Viqqoh in the dark heart of the South Shroud, Xha’zi lived a life curtained in secrecy and fear. A decade before his birth, the five great clans of the southernmost part of the Shroud suffered from a staggering loss of numbers. A vicious contagion that targeted the old and the weak and the young and the strong alike swept through, leaving a devastating lack of numbers in its wake. Like his many brothers and sisters before him, Xha’zi was the result of a desperate bid to repopulate the dwindling numbers of the great families. Had he been born as his brothers and sisters were, he might have become an essential part of that attempt to repopulate.He was not.The last son born to Xha Viqqoh was nothing like any clan member had ever seen in living memory. The dusky skin and dark eyes of his mother and father were nowhere to be seen at his birth. Rather, he was colourless, and in their fear the clan leaders proclaimed him cursed. Lacking the dark skin that Keepers use to hide in the shadows and hunt their prey, they reasoned, this child must have been born with a target on his back. Menphina, in her rage at the loss of her children, had pinned the child under her bright gaze and lit him up for the world to see. Without cover from predators and with no natural camouflage to shroud him in darkness and help him survive, it only made sense that they see him as the tainted abomination that he was.Xha’zi grew up in shadows. Hidden under cowls and gloves and any manner of dark cloaking that could hide his deplorable skin from sight, he was raised inside the small dwelling his large family shared. Rarely ever allowed to venture outside its walls, and ever reviled for his looks, resented for his presence and feared for his curse, Xha’zi’s only comfort came in the secret embraces and gentle sheltering of his family.Alas, that was not to last. The moment he was strong enough to leave his mother’s side, he was sent alongside the rest of the males in his clan to live and hunt in the forests outside their dwelling. Freedom, joy, knowledge and exploration became him truest of friends. And he was happy. For though he had been raised to behave differently from those around him, Xha’zi had never been told why.That was a blessing. And its own curse. On the day of his ascension into adulthood at 15, the day he would be presented to the females of his clan for potential breeding, the harsh looks and uncaring words of the clan elders at his presence finally told him that which had been kept from him. He left that night, with the love his family and an empty journal from an older brother.He set himself free of the stares, of the hiding from others, and made his life a pursuit of that which he had found joy in in those early years; the acquisition of knowledge, the joy of exploration and the thrill of solitary adventure free from judgement.There are no harsh stares now, some five years after his separation from his clan, but the scars of such deep wounds are slow to heal. Much has happened since then. He has learned terrible and wonderful truths, has grown into a man capable of cataclysmic destruction and universal salvation. And though he has learned the truth of his clan’s mistakes, has learned that the love of his goddess has never overlooked him, years of self-loathing and fear, of isolation and worry for the wrath of the heavens coming down on those around him, have left him scrambling still to learn how to be a person with an actual place in this world.

Skills & Talents

  • Particularly competent aether based healer and combatant

  • Skilled in precision archery

  • Well learned about a wide variety of things picked up over years of travel and knowledge acquisition

  • Has an excellent memory

  • Capable of aether travel

  • Adept in culinary arts

  • Sings very well (but very infrequently in company)

  • Sings in polyphonic overtone | example 1 | example 2 |

  • Tradional singing voice example


Free Hooks

Free for use without prior discussion or meeting

  • Need healing

  • Seeking or selling ancient magical artefact

  • Advertisement for hired bodies/muscle for dangerous expedition


Rare Hooks

To be used with caution and regard to the difficulty with which any knowledge would be acquired

  • Arrest in Ul'dah

  • Full identity as The Healer

  • History of chaotic destruction


Deeper Hooks

Should be used with consideration

  • Affiliation with The Singing Well

  • Complicated magical ailment or disease

  • First aid response @ battle for Ala Mhigo


Exclusive Hooks

Only to be used after discussion with player

  • The Viqqoh Family

  • Clan knowledge

  • Clandestine

Thanks for taking a look. Here's some general stuff you might want to know about me!

I've been playing ffxiv since it launched and been role playing in the community for about 5 years. Outside of ffxiv I have 15 years of role play experience and am very passionate about writing and story driven character development! I role-play multiverse by default and will only change this to single verse on request so please remember to ask if that's your preference! I am not, personally, comfortable role playing with anyone under the age of 18 regardless of content of said role play. Please respect that. I'm based in Scotland so my timezone is GMT and my sleep schedule is C H A O S.Cheerful Cryptid#1337 Important Note: Please try to remember that my interactions with you as Xha'zi and my interactions with you as myself have a very clear divide.I will always indicate to you when I am in character by using prose, quotations or the /em function. Anything outside of that should be treated as myself and not Xha'zi. The same is said for the reverse.